A+ Colorado and ERN: Memo on Online Education Providers
Online, virtual programs are inevitable in response to Covid-19 and decisions regarding learning environments moving forward require nuanced consideration. We have summarized some of the research that exists and make recommendations to offer quality, student-centered online, virtual programming for the next school year.
report summaryMany Languages, One Future
Many Languages, One Future provides a snapshot of how emerging multilingual students are performing in Colorado districts and schools. In assessing the state of emerging multilingual students in Colorado, two key questions emerge. First, how well are Colorado’s emerging multilingual students gaining English language skills? Second, how well are Colorado’s emerging multilingual students mastering grade-level academic content?
report summary Press KitData PageThe Outliers: The State of Colorado School Districts 2018
The Outliers digs into student performance to uncover the Colorado public school districts that are “outliers,” the districts that buck the trend either by getting notable results for students compared to other school systems in the state, or where the promise of an excellent education remains too distant.
report summaryNotice of Retraction: A Seat at the Table: Colorado Students’ Access to Top Colleges
A+ Colorado is rescinding the initial version of the report A Seat at the Table: Colorado Students’ Access to Top Colleges, released December 2017. Shortly after the new year, A+ Colorado discovered a significant problem with the underlying data that tracked Colorado high school students’ college matriculation.
report summary