Denver’s Next Journey
Start With The Facts
Start with the Facts explores how Denver Public Schools has changed over the past fifteen years. Academic achievement levels improved from amongst the lowest in the state to above average, and while all groups of students have seen some improvement in academic outcomes... read more
School Improvement
What has the district pursued to target resources and improve learning in the schools with the lowest academic outcomes which are disproportionately filled with students of color? What have been the outcomes of those efforts? How have families been engaged in that process? read more
School Choice
What are the systems the district has created that enable students and families to choose what school they attend? How have these structures impacted equitable access to quality schools? To different school options? How are different groups participating in choice? read more
School Quality
How has the district sought to identify schools in need of support and high quality schools? How has that impacted educator, student, and community expectations and experiences of schools? Are families able to clearly understand important questions around school quality? read more
Investing in Teachers
What are the strategies the district has pursued to support educators, and what is the impact on the teaching force? How are educators effectively partnering with families across the city? read more
School Governance
How has the district devolved decision-making to the school-level? How has that impacted district structure, schools, and financing? How has it supported student achievement, and responsiveness to school community needs? read more