Blog posts are the opinions of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of A+ Colorado.

A+ Stay Sharp: 6.18.2020

June marks Pride Month for members of th LGBTQIA+ community; and the anniversary of the historic Stonewall Riots. A+ Colorado recognizes the unique experience and value LGBTQ+ students bring to Colorado classrooms. While we celebrate the resilience of these students, we recognize the disproportionate challenges they face within our schools. The most recent Healthy Kids…

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A+ Stay Sharp: 6.11.2020

Educators, parents, and students have begun their summer vacations after the end of a truly unprecedented school year. Questions remain surrounding the return to school in the fall, how districts will respond to budget shortfalls in the fallout of COVID-19, and significant policy proposals from local leaders that will alter schools’ trajectories for years to…

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Could COVID help reinvent the American high school?

Could American high school learning improve with COVID planning? Most of the planning for opening schools this fall around the world is being driven by how best to reduce the risk of transmitting COVID. Can you reduce class sizes? Rethink meeting in large groups? Break up schedules to meet less often or more often for…

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A+ Stay Sharp: 6.4.2020

A+ Updates Education Budget Update Colorado school funding continues to be a massive challenge with nearly all forms of Colorado tax revenues dropping faster and deeper than has been seen in modern history. Many of the state school finance questions will be answered in the next week with the expected passage of the School Finance…

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A+ Stay Sharp: 5.29.2020

Colorado students and teachers seek closure while finishing an unprecedented school year that brought us drive-through graduation ceremonies, funding deficits at the state legislature, and a myriad of other complex challenges throughout the education system. As the novel coronavirus has continued; Colorado teachers and school leaders have stepped up to the challenges and we’re so…

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A+ Stay Sharp: Response Digest 8

As the state transitions to Safer at Home, A+ Colorado will be transitioning from our weekly COVID-19 Response Digest back to our Stay Sharp Newsletter. In a world where change is happening daily, we remain committed to bringing you timely news and research to keep you informed on education in Colorado and connect you with…

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7 Principles for School District Budgeting in a Time of Financial Armageddon

This post originally appeared in The 74 on 5/17/2020. Colorado school district boards are about to make the most difficult financial decisions of their lives. Never have school boards or district financial leaders been asked to make such deep cuts in their budgets. School district budget decisions in the next month will have a profound impact on…

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Getting Clearer on the State Budget… and impending Cuts

Legislative Council Staff and the Office of Planning and Budgeting delivered updated economic and revenue forecasts. With an expected 25% reduction in overall revenue, in addition to other factors, a $3.3 billion shortfall in the state budget is expected heading into next year. Additionally, based on projected declines in local shares and mill levy overrides,…

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A+ Stay Sharp: Response Digest 7

As the state of Colorado is gradually moving closer to “re-opening” the historic and unprecedented circumstances caused by Coronavirus will linger, posing significant threats across levels of education from the statehouse to the classrooms. This week’s Stay Sharp Digest includes our recent panel discussions on the topics of supporting students in the transition to higher…

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A+ Stay Sharp: Response Digest 6

Colorado’s teachers take on one of the highest and most noble professions, shaping the hearts and minds for the future of the Centennial state. We’re grateful for the talented and passionate teachers throughout #EdColo and recognize their commitment to students in the midst of the Global Pandemic. This National Teacher Appreciation week, make your favorite…

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