A+ Updates
Education Budget Update
Colorado school funding continues to be a massive challenge with nearly all forms of Colorado tax revenues dropping faster and deeper than has been seen in modern history. Many of the state school finance questions will be answered in the next week with the expected passage of the School Finance Act by the Colorado state legislature introduced yesterday. The recent infusion of federal CARES stimulus dollars of over one half a billion dollars will significantly lessen the blow for the coming fiscal year but there remains a huge array of questions for school districts as to how they manage their budgets with cuts of between 5% and 15% for this coming year and even larger cuts in the 2021-2022 school year without dramatic changes to how Colorado schools are funded.
Webinar Playlist
A+ Colorado partnered with Democrats for Education Reform Colorado to host a series of webinars on various topics related to Schooling in the Era of Covid-19. You can watch the whole playlist here.
Community Spotlight – APS Parent
A+ Colorado had the opportunity to speak with an APS parent, Tere Gerard, about her experience with online learning. Tere is the mother of a 1st grade student and shares with us how difficult online learning was for her as a Spanish speaking parent. We want to thank Tere for her time and for sharing her truth with us.
Engagement Opportunities
Colorado Education Policy Cohort
The Colorado Education Policy Cohort will provide ten months of professional development for individuals who seek a stronger understanding of key education policy issues in our state. Members will learn more about topics such as the legislative process, school finance, school accountability, and community engagement. They will also meet and network with leaders active in these important areas and will operate out of the School of Public Affairs at the University of Colorado at Denver. For more information and for an application; please contact Peter Huidekoper at peterhdkpr@gmail.com
Diversity Talks Webinar Series
June 24 – Diversity Talks webinars will cover strategies for engaging in racial equity conversations. This series of webinars is for educators, youth, and community members and will focus on topics including empathy and mindset, along with strategies to take action within your community. Learn more here.
Community Resources
Moonshot EdVentures – Resource Guide
This is an ongoing compilation of resources on ways to engage in direct action to support Black Lives. Moonshot aims to provide a diversity of resources so that regardless of identity, ability, income, or access, anyone and everyone can and should engage in ways to support Black Lives.
Staff Spotlight
Hayley Reddish, Vice President of Strategy and Operations
Go-to quarantine meal: Cereal. Any time of the day.
Favorite spot in Colorado during the summer: The high mountain lakes near State Forest State Park for fly fishing.
Favorite online concert or recording: The Indigo Girls just released a new album that I’ve had on repeat. I am supposed to see them in concert at Colorado Chautauqua at the end of July- one of my favorite places in Colorado.
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