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Denver Schools Lift All Students

Carla Madison Recreation Center 2401 E Colfax Ave Denver, CO 80206

Join A+ Colorado, RootED, Transform Education Now, and The University of Colorado Denver for Denver Schools Lift All Students including a community discussion with Stanford University researcher Dr. Macke Raymond, Superintendent Susana Cordova, and other education leaders.

We will spend our morning hearing about Dr. Raymond’s recently released research which finds that students in Denver posted stronger learning gains compared to the state average gains in both reading and math throughout the 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17 school years. Results also showed that students of color in Denver outperformed the state average in most cases and black students at charter schools in Denver posted significantly higher growth in reading than similar students at traditional public schools in Denver. However, more importantly there is much more to be done to ensure every student receives a quality education.

We will also be joined by other expert local panelists to dig into these findings to reflect on how the research will impact their work in the community while supporting schools and students. Panelist will be announced in the coming weeks.

About Dr. Macke Raymond:
Macke has served as the Director of CREDO since its inception. She has steered the group to national prominence as a rigorous and independent source for policy and program analysis. She has done extensive work in public policy and education reform, and is currently researching the development of competitive markets and the creation of reliable data on program performance.

Macke also leads CREDO in investigating the effectiveness of public charter schools. Prior to joining Stanford in 2000, she held faculty positions in the political science and economics departments at the University of Rochester.

Macke also worked for a number of years in the telecommunications industry and was President of Raymond Associates, a private consulting company specializing in public policy research projects and telecommunications policy formulation, from 1985 to 2000.