Jane F. Barber

I have served on the board before from 2005-2013. I currently work in the schools, so that the past two and and a half years, I have been able to communicate with students, teachers and administrators. I am a member of LRFAC, Lyn Knoll Advisory Board, have attended BOE mtgs and DACC. I have lived in Aurora for 41 years and while my children were receiving an excellent education I was on the state, district and local PTA and volunteered in the schools. I have continued my interest in the schools for the past four years by attending school functions and special issue mtgs such as Colorado Education’s attempt to analyze the teacher shortage this summer.


Biographical information provided by the candidate in the A+ Colorado Candidate Survey.

Candidate’s website:  janebarbercolo@yahoo.com

Aurora Public School Board Election 2017 Candidate Survey