Angela Cobián

I want to be on the school board because students in District 2 should grow with the city of Denver. I have the experience to lead from three distinct vantage points: student, teacher, and parent organizer. I grew up in southwest Denver as a student who received free and reduced lunch and learned english as a second language. I taught similar students as a 2nd and 3rd grade maestra at Cole Arts and Sciences Academy in DPS. I also earned a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction, enabling me to work with teachers in Mexico City on a Fulbright scholarship. I then organized parents at the school that I taught in with Together Colorado, as well as organizing parishioners in my home parish. We worked on securing high academic standards at the state capitol and improving relations between the immigrant community and the Denver Police Department. When I am elected I will not only synthesize my experience to inform the decisions I make on the school board; but also develop a community-centered approach where those who are directly impacted are at the table as partners towards a Denver Public Schools in which “every child succeeds.”


Biographical information provided by the candidate in the A+ Colorado Candidate Survey.

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Denver Public Schools School Board Candidate Survey – District 2 – Southwest – 2017 Election