These posts are the opinions of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of A+ Colorado.

Newsletter: Election Aftermath and Dale Stephens Event

Election Aftermath

On behalf of A+ Denver, we offer our warm congratulations to Denver’s new school board members-elect:Barbara O’Brien, Landri Taylor, Rosemary Rodriguez, and Mike Johnson.

All nine board candidates ran top-notch campaigns. They were organized and professional, and centered on issues and not personalities. A+ Denver applauds all of the candidates’ dedication to public education.

This week, voters made clear their desire to reform our education system. We too believe that the current system is doing exactly what it was designed to do: prepare most students for farms and factories. We are in the midst of a re-design of the school system, making changes to schools and governance models so that we can meet the needs of this century. The newly elected board members have an incredible opportunity ahead of them.

We look forward to working with the new board and again offer our sincerest congratulations.

In regard to Amendment 66, we were sorry to see the measure fail. However, we are committed to ensuring that the reforms it would have brought forward are realized. We have long needed to change the way our state distributes and accounts for education dollars, and to match results to investments.  We will continue to push for equal funding for public charter schools, full-day K and ECE resources, and weighted student funding based on need.

A+ will host Dale Stephens of UnCollege on November 14th at 5pm.

Dale will lead a discussion about whether college is the only or best path to future success. A+ is a strong supporter of graduating high school prepared for college, and believes that higher education can break the cycle of poverty.  But we also believe that college-going is an issue worth unpacking and exploring.

At just 19, Dale left college and founded UnCollege, a social movement changing the notion that college is the only path to success. Join us to hear Dale discuss the new culture of ‘hackademics,’ his philosophy of self-directed learning, and his UnCollege gap year program.

Register Here


November 14th, 2013
From 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
We will send a follow-up note soon with the location.